LFA 24\7
/Behind the scene look during last Saturday's group shots
After weeks of preparation, we finally started the new season! Even though the next few weeks will be exhibition matches, it will serve as a chance for new players to get a feel for the league and allow the selection commitee to analyze the core of our six clubs. We can officially say, it has begun!
As for the administrative side, the season started long ago and amongsts other things, hosted 8 pre-season matches to analyze potential new players, not to mention the changes to the creative and operations side of the league, basically there was no time off on this end.. Having gone from about 90 substitute players at the beginning of last season to 219 substitutes and counting as new players are joinining regularly. With 94 active goalies after having removed many unreliable ones, we can say that we are definetly well stocked. That said, I still scrambled to fill 20 positions for our opening matches !? It is baffling that there are some «men» who get dragged to Linen Chest or Winners by their significant others to buy slightly discounted sheets... c’mon boys, where are your priorities !?
I wont go into the other details surrounding the start of the second season, but I truly hope that the season is filled with great games and provides good times on and off the ice.
One of the many benefits of beeing a regular in the LFA. We never run out of beers at our parties. (photo JFD)
Last Thursday night, 48 hours before the first official puck drop, we celebrated the coming of the second season at our annual preseason BBQ. Thirty boys or so came down to the league office on the Main to meet their new teammates and get to know the recruits. Taking advantage of an open bar & grill, courtesy of the league and its main sponsor, TREMBLAY beer, this event as well as those throughout the season are important for creating chemistry within the group, break down team barriers, increase camaraderie and promote safe and respectful competition on the ice. A big thank you to those in the league who understand and adhere to this fundamental LFA value that dates back to the Hockey Brotherhood days back in the old barn.
Eric Champagne, the assistant coach of the Vippers arriving for his first offical LFA game last Saturday and setting a new standard (photo Bruno Petrozza)
The push in the 24 hours leading up to puck drop to fill spots was a good way to get me into the game. It is always a bit chaotic as I have several roles to fill. This year Larry our new Vice President of hockey operations and head of the disciplinary commitee came down to help me get things ready for the boys on game day. A lot of things happen behind the scenes to get everything ready for your games week after week. This season with the support of Johnny "The King of the rink". I now have a office that once was only my beer warehouse. These additions will help me continue to bring you the best hockey experience. Whether it's the richness of our site, the operation of the league, the social aspect with all the amenities from our sponsors. More than that, it's that magical blend that contributes strongly to the existence and continued success of the LFA.
The league's prez showing his new office (photo by Larry)