/The date was known by all but the result of the selection committee meeting to shake things up and choose new players to fill the teams remained hypothetical. Who was going to move and where were they going to end up? In addition to the arrival of a plethora of new players to fill the positions we were also going to shuffle the deck. The good thing about all of this is that a minimal number of the 53 regular players and goalies, before the arrival of the new 13 players, had to pack up their bags, change their socks and switch squads. In a strange and lucky way, all but one of the players traded (eight in all) will face their old team on Saturday, so this will facilitate the coordination for jersey switching.
So how does the "remix version of" the LFA teams look like ? Ya know, there's all kinds, big, lil, tall, fast , hard-working ,funny guy and a blend of all these and more on each team. With the arrival of several recruits, and a youthful breeze blowing across the league, we are giving it until November 15 to review everything and to see if any trades need to be made.
The new version of our teams also brings us to the end of the exhibition games and the start of the real season, a few days before that of the Canadiens. That being said, we started our pre-season games before them, as the first of our 17 games was held last spring as most of the preseason league operations began on August 1st.